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jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012



Accommodation: +34 667769881


GREENVER realises the importance of selecting the host families. The selection is carried out by the local coordinator who pays great attention to the location, cleanliness, dedication to the student, comfort and family atmosphere and treatment.
The family is chosen to match, as far as possible, the student's interests and personality. The family will also receive a programme of the activities as well as the norms and guidelines to be followed.
For the student to take better advantage of his/her stay, he/she is expected to make every possible effort to feel and behave as one of the family, respecting their rules and sharing responsabilities, activities, etc.


Cantabria provides a wide and varied range of hotel accommodation, from which we have selected characterised by their excellent facilities and installations as well as their superb locations.


GREENVER offers apartment accommodation to its students, near the "Puertochico bay", only 5 minutes from our C.E.A.R. Principe Felipes centre.
Every apartment is fully equipped with all the daily household appliances needed such as: maid services, telephones, tv, central heating, garage and also offers complete garage parking, etc. Apartment can be either single or double.

Youth hostels

For all young, betweewn 12 and 18 years old, who prefer enjoying nature in a comfortable and nice place, in Santander 2014  we offer you the opportunity to stay in a wonderful hostel.

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